Low vision is that functional limitation of the eyes or visual system that manifests as visual acuity or reduced sensitivity to contrast, visual field loss, intense photophobia, double vision, visual distortion or a combination of the above. A person has low vision when he has visual acuity below 30% or with significant visual field limitations.
The origin can be congenital, hereditary or acquired. It usually causes problems to work autonomously, in everyday activities such as reading, driving or recognizing faces of people.
The patient with low vision is the person who has suffered a pathology that has left a permanent injury to the vision, not recoverable. The first step is the acceptance of this fact. The most normal thing is the insistence to get to see as before with glasses.
Once this stage has been exceeded, what has to be done is to take full advantage of the rest of the vision. Depending on the objective set (read, watch television, ...) and the cause of pathology, the solution will be different. Thus, if the problem is far vision, glasses or telescopes are made. If it's close, glasses, microscopes, hand-held or standing magnifiers and lights. If the problem is contrast, special filters are made and lighting is triggered. If it's a central visual field problem, you will be wearing magnification glasses and visual skills are taught. If the difficulty is in the peripheral field of vision, glasses with negative lenses, prisms, inverse telescopes, mirrors and visual abilities are made.