Filters for daltonism
Color blindness is a difficulty in distinguishing colors, especially any colors containing red or green, such as purple, pink, orange and others.
In the retina, there is a type of cell, the cones, responsible for color vision: some for red, others for green, and finally, a third class for blue.
It might be missing a type or more or it does not work well enough. The level of affection is very variable: from a slight difficulty to perceive the red or green until the absence of color.
The most common is an alteration in the green (6% of men and 0.1% of women) or red (1% of men and 0.01% of women).
To avoid this confusion, the special EnChroma optical filters separate each color so that the color blind person can differentiate each color and perceive colors more vibrantly, clearly and distinctly, typically within 15 minutes.
The glasses work for about 80% of the color blind cases. The lenses can be graduated in both distant and progressive vision. There are special lenses for interiors and for outdoors. EnChroma glasses are based on science and years of research and development.
For people who are not color blind, it is hard to imagine how they see it. These images show the vision with a variety of colors very diminished.